Eat Seasonally Year Round!

Kale planted for winter harvesting at Cedar Grove Organic Farm

When many people think about eating locally, they picture summer & fall market stands full of abundant local produce and all the amazing fresh fruits and vegetables available in warmer months, but, did you know that you can eat locally year round?

The following are some great ways to eat locally throughout the year:

  1. Learn what is in season and when. Eating seasonally means you are getting fresh, nutritious foods, and they are usually more affordable at peak season! Be sure to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables when they are most abundant, enjoy, and consider canning, freezing or otherwise preserving the bounty when it is available. Below is a great chart, and you can also find lots of links & accompanying recipes from FoodLand Ontario
  2. Eat seasonally: Even the depth of winter can offer an abundance of mushrooms, root crops, squashes and greenhouse grown greens so that you can enjoy fresh produce year round! Visit year-round Farmers’ Markets including Peterborough Regional Farmers’ Market and Peterborough Farmers’ Market on Saturdays to stock up on these and other local year round products.
  3. Get to know your meat & dairy producers for year round local food! Check out our newly developed & ever growing list of local farmers at Peterborough Farm Fresh to learn about purchasing local food year round!
  4. Sweeten up: You can purchase honey and maple syrup year round to sweeten up delicious recipes!